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The mechanism of our marketing work

Every time we meet a new customer, a question pops out at the very beginning of our discussions: How is Loopaa working? What’s our approach on a marketing/ communication project?

And this is the main subject of this blog post in order for you to get to understand us better. No hidden doors, no secrets… it’s a matter of aligning expectations and work procedures. And a big part of a successful business relationship between an agency and a customer is how you start.


Here’s a step-by-step process on how we work with a new customer: (of course, this is the ideal case… when the deadline isn’t yesterday)


1. First, there’s an initial meeting with the customer, during which, the briefing takes place. Whether we fill in a brief or not, the important thing is to get to know each other and to define as clear as possible the expectations.


2. The Marketing Specialist (which has the role of an Account) makes some additional research on the customer’s needs, beyond the info that the customer has provided. (we analyze the competition, customers, best practices etc.)

We do like to have a strategic approach of every project. That’s why we always ask for a marketing plan… or at least, a communication plan. If not, that’s the first thing that we’ll propose to our customer. It will save money, time and lots of efforts when you know where you’re heading, what to do and what resources will be needed.

But let’s assume that there’s a plan already…


3. A brief is sent to the other departments of the agency, in order to get a price quotation and delivery term. The team project is created and they start their own research. If needed, the Marketing Specialist debriefs the team during a meeting. You never know what questions arise during a talk about a customer’s needs.


4. The price quotation is then sent to the Marketing Specialist that manages the project, who then validates the terms and sends it to the customer.

Again… let’s assume that there are no negociations on the price… not likely, but let’s assume. 🙂


5. The party is now starting… Here comes the (sometimes) sleepless nights, voodoo procedures and tones of coffee. But, as we don’t like nasty surprizes, we do encourage a collaborative process. Some have named it: the agile process. Periodically, we meet with the customer, evaluate the work that has been done and we set up together objectives for the next milestone. This way, wrong directions can be cut out before the final deadline.


Final words

Yes, the deadline… What a horrifying word. But the truth is that we’re the ones responsible. (we: as for the ones that miss their deadlines constantly)

A good planning will always help you keep up with the deadlines, even in windy conditions. This and the time invested in getting to know your customer and its needs in detail.



Your dedicated,

Victor Gavronschi



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