A few months have already passed since our dearly conference, MK4IT (of which we are incredibly proud), took place, so, just like some true “Transylvanians”, it’s time to give you some numbers about it.
We would have loved to be able to count the smiles, the reactions, the feelings of all those who joined the event in February. Unfortunately, we still have to wait for some time until the right algorithm to count them will be discovered. Until that moment, we will show you all the other data, which gives an overview over the last edition of MK4IT.
That’s how our conference looked like. What do you say, would you have loved to be there, with us? No problem, you will have another chance. This year. We are preparing something for you, but it might not be exactly what you think. What that is, you will find tomorrow (we are Transylvanians, but we also move fast)!