We are recruiting a business partner
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If you are a manager, entrepreneur and/or senior marketer, you should read this article and evaluate the opportunity for your business. Many of you (87% actually) declare that you are not confident in your ability to correlate sales forecast with your marketing programs. 20% of you are not measuring at all the results of your marketing actions while 45% of you are measuring a single attribute.
Here is the opportunity. Loopaa Marcom – aka “Your dedicated marketing agency” for its customers – is looking for a new partnership to show that marketing programs can get to desired results. Just one partner will be chosen after this campaign and we will work together for this company’s success in 2019.
What company profile are we looking for?
o A company that aims an increase of online transactions over 30% in 2019;
o It has an eCommerce or a B2B lead generation website;
o Is willing to invest at least 2000 euro/month in advertising budgets;
o Expects a turnover of minimum 1 million euros in 2018;
o Wants correlation between marketing costs managed by Loopaa and sales;
o A company willing to pay the services in accordance with sales performance.
How can your company apply?
If you’ve checked all the selection criteria, you have the highest chances. All you need to do is to give us a short presentation of the business you want to develop together with us and your contact details.
We will contact you to talk more, based on a signed NDA, about the way in which you currently promote the business, your customers profiles, your objectives, your sales channels, your team and the way you think you are generating values for your customers.
Application deadline: 20th of August 2018
We will answer to everyone who applies, and we’ll discuss the next steps with all the applicants, but just one partner will be selected. Next year, if the partner will agree, we can have a public story telling of this partnership experience and results.
Apply to our campaign by filling in the form below. You can ask us any questions you might have directly in this form.